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Advanced Settings

This section contains advanced settings for power users and those that may wish to tweak some of JourneyMap’s internals.


The settings in this section cam have extreme effects on the performance of your client. We don’t recommend touching these settings unless you have a good understanding of what you’re doing, or you’re directed to do so by a member of the JourneyMap support staff.

If tweaking these settings crashes your client or causes your computer to lag horribly, don’t say we didn’t warn you.



The bold toggle settings below are enabled by default.

Toggle Description
Announce Mod Whether to announce in chat when JourneyMap is ready to use
Check for Mod Updates Whether JourneyMap should check for updates on Curse
Hide Sneaking Entities Whether sneaking/crouching creatures should be hidden
High Display Quality Uncheck to improve zoom performance and memory usage, but reduce
display quality and lower performance of minimap rotation when set to “My Heading”
Record Cache Statistics This is intended for beta testers - enable to record statistics for each cache

Other Settings

The default option for each setting below is marked with bold text.

Setting Options Description
Logging Level
  • INFO
  • ALL
  • OFF
  • WARN
Set how verbose JourneyMap's logs are, but note that some log levels can cause serious performance problems
AutoMap Poll Frequency Range: 500 - 10000 (in ms)
Default is 2000
Delay between automap region tasks - lower values will make the map generate faster, but will cause significant performance drops while mapping
Cache Animals Range: 1000 - 10000 (in ms)
Default is 3100
How long radar data for animals is cached for - lower values will impact performance
Cache Mobs Range: 1000 - 10000 (in ms)
Default is 3000
How long radar data for mobs is cached for - lower values will impact performance
Cache Player Range: 500 - 2000 (in ms)
Default is 1000
How long data for your character is cached for - lower values will impact performance
Cache Players Range: 1000 - 10000 (in ms)
Default is 2000
How long radar data for other players is cached for - lower values will impact performance
Map Tile Render Type Range: 1 - 4
Default is 1
Change rendering strategy for map tiles if they appear blurry on your video card:
  1. Linear & mirrored
  2. Linear & clamped
  3. Nearest & mirrored
  4. Nearest & clamped
Maximum Animals Range: 1 - 128
Default is 32
Maximum number of animals displayed on the radar
Maximum Mobs Range: 1 - 128
Default is 32
Maximum number of mobs displayed on the radar
Maximum Players Range: 1 - 128
Default is 32
Maximum number of players displayed on the radar
Maximum Villagers Range: 1 - 128
Default is 32
Maximum number of villagers displayed on the radar
Radar Range Lateral Range: 16 - 512 (in blocks)
Default is 64
Lateral distance to search for entities to display on the radar - high values will cause a significant performance hit
Radar Range Vertical Range: 8 - 256 (in blocks)
Default is 16
Vertical distance to search for entities to display on the radar - high values will cause a significant performance hit