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Custom Mob Icons

Custom Mob Icon Sets

JourneyMap only comes with mob icons for Vanilla Minecraft mobs. (There's no magic way to derive icons from mobs added by mods.) However, as of JourneyMap 5.3, mod authors and resource pack authors can provide their own mob icons for JourneyMap to use. See Instructions for Mod Authors and Instructions for Resource Pack Authors below.

Mob Icon Sources

JourneyMap 5.3+ no longer uses folders of icons. Instead, it uses mob icons via standard resource location, just like any other texture in Minecraft. This is so mods can provide their own mob icons resource packs can provide or override mob icons like everything else in the game.

JourneyMap 5.3+ uses the mob's entity texture resource location and substitutes "/entity/" with "/entity_icon/" to look up the mob icon. Thus:

  • Mob entity texture: minecraft:textures/entity/pig/pig.png
  • Mob icon texture: minecraft:textures/entity_icon/pig/pig.png


  • Mob entity texture: enderzoo:textures/entity/wither_cat.png
  • Mob icon texture: enderzoo:textures/entity_icon/wither_cat.png


If you are a player and you want to provide your own icons similar to older versions of JourneyMap, you'll need to put together a simple resource pack in a zip file. See the Instructions for Resource Pack Authors below.

Instructions for Mod Authors

You can now provide icons to JourneyMap for your mod's mobs. Here's how:

  • JourneyMap 5.3+ will look in your mod jar for icons in /assets/modname/textures/entity_icon.
  • Icons should be transparent PNG files. Other sizes are usually supported, but 16x16 pixels is recommended.
  • The folder structure and filenames for your icons must mirror the folder structure and filename for your mob textures in /assets/modname/textures/entity.

For example:

               │   │   owlbear.png
               │   └───kobold
               │       │   kobold_green.png
               │       │   kobold_blue.png
                   │   owlbear.png
                       │   kobold_green.png
                       │   kobold_blue.png

Why is the above necessary? JourneyMap uses the ResourceLocation returned by net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.Render.getEntityTexture() as the unique way to identify a mob for any mod. Providing icons with a similar same path and name keeps things as simple as possible.

Instructions for Resource Pack Authors

You can use a resource pack to provide icons to JourneyMap 5.3+ for any Minecraft mobs or mod mobs. Here's how:

  • JourneyMap will look in your resource pack zip for icons in /assets/<modname>/textures/entity_icon.
  • Icons should be transparent PNG files. Other sizes are usually supported, but 16x16 pixels is recommended.
  • The folder structure and filenames for your icons must mirror the folder structure and filename for mob textures in minecraft or other mods in /assets/<modname>/textures/entity.

For example, if you want to provide custom icons for both Minecraft mobs and a mod called "coolmod", the mob textures for both would along these lines:

 minecraft.jar                         coolmod-1.0.jar
   └───assets                               └───assets
       └───minecraft                            └───coolmod
           └───textures                             └───textures
               └───entity                               └───entity
                   │   bat.png                              │   owlbear.png
                   │   chicken.png                          └───kobold
                   └───zombie                                   |   kobold_green.png
                       |   zombie.png                           |   kobold_blue.png

In your resource pack, therefore, you would mirror the above file trees, replacing "entity" with "entity_icon" to store your custom mob icon files:                    
       │   └───textures                    
       │       └───entity_icon      
       │           │   bat.png             
       │           │   chicken.png         
       │           └───zombie              
       │               |   zombie.png      
                   │   owlbear.png         
                       |   kobold_green.png
                       |   kobold_blue.png