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Cartography Settings

The cartography settings allow you to customize how the map is rendered, and what is shown on it.



The bold toggle settings below are enabled by default.

Toggle Description
Always Map Caves Whether to map caves below you when you’re on the surface
Always Map Surface Whether to map the surface above you when you’re in caves
Blend Foliage Whether to apply biome colours to foliage
Blend Grass Whether to apply biome colours to grass
Blend Water Whether to apply biome colours to water
Ignore Glass Ceilings Whether to remain in surface mode when under a glass ceiling
Map Biomes Whether to show biome colours on the map
Map Topography Whether to generate a contour map that shows elevation
Show Bathymetry Whether to show underwater terrain on the map
Show Crops Whether to show crops on the map
Show Plant Shadows Whether to plants and crops should cast shadows on the map
Show Plants Whether to show plants on the map
Show Surface Above Caves Whether to show a dimmed view of the surface when in cave mode
Show Water Biome Colours Whether to show water colours based on biomes
Use Antialiasing Whether to use anti-aliasing to improve the shading effect used to show elevation
Use Cave Lighting Whether to show lights underground - disable for a fully bright map
Use Transparency Whether transparent blocks should reveal what’s below them on the map

Other Settings

The default option for each setting below is marked with bold text.

Setting Options Description
Reveal Shape
  • Square
  • Circle
Whether to reveal chunks in a circle or square - circle reveals show fewer chunks at once, and so perform better
Render Delay Range: 0 - 10 (in seconds, Default: 2) How often JourneyMap should try to render the chunks around you - Higher values can result in better performance, but may result in chunks being missed when traveling at high speed
Cave Max Distance Range: 0 - 32 (in chunks, Default: 0) The maximum distance within which to attempt to render the map while in a cave - if you set this higher than your render distance, then this will use that instead
Surface Max Distance Range: 0 - 32 (in chunks, default: 0) The maximum distance within which to attempt to render the map while above ground -if you set this higher than your render distance, then this will use that instead