JourneyMap Tools
JourneyMap Tools is a set of command line utilities which can be useful for manipulating the image tiles generated by the JourneyMap client mod.
You can find the mod at
Source code is available at and you are encouraged to contribute!
- MapSaver: Save all region tile images to a single file, with optional resizing.
- MapMerger: Merge tiles from two directories (usually from different players). "Not implemented yet, can you help?"
How to use JourneyMap Tools
- Java 7 or Java 8 must be installed on your machine.
- Download the latest release
- Open a command line and run: `java -jar journeymap-tools*.jar
- Follow the prompts
MapSaver Sample Output
> java -jar journeymap-tools-0.3.jar
== JourneyMapTools 0.3 ==
Use at your own risk. Always back up your files before use.
MapSaver Arguments: "<worldDir>" "<saveFileName>" <sourceTileSize> <resultTileSize> <slice> <dimension> <showGrid> <mapType
"<worldDir>" Path to data/sp/worldname
"<saveFileName>" Path of PNG image file to save.
<sourceTileSize> Current tile size. Unless you've resized them, use 512.
<resultTileSize> New tile size for output. Use sourceTileSize to avoid resizing.
<slice> Vertical slice to map. Use -1 for the surface in Overworld.
<dimension> Dimension ID. 1 for Nether, 0 for Overworld, 1 for End
<showGrid> Whether to add a grid overlay. One of the following: true,false
<mapType> One of the following: day,night,underground. End/Nether require underground
Example Usage: MapSaver "C:\\Game\\.minecraft\\journeyMap\\data\\sp\\MyWorld" "C:\\tmp\\MyWorld.png" 512 512 -1 0 false day
> java -jar journeymap-tools-0.3.jar MapSaver "C:/Users/Mark/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/journeymap/data/sp/Prodigious City" "C:/Users/Mark/Desktop/PCity.png" 512 512 -1 0 true day
== JourneyMapTools 0.3 ==
Use at your own risk. Always back up your files before use.
2014-08-08 17:40:57 [INFO] MapSaver: Scanning for region tiles...
2014-08-08 17:40:57 [INFO] MapSaver: 24 Region tiles found. 11 blank tiles will be added to fill gaps.
2014-08-08 17:40:57 [INFO] MapSaver: Total area is 7 regions wide by 5 regions high (224 chunks x 160 chunks)
2014-08-08 17:40:57 [INFO] MapSaver: Combined tile images equal to: 3584 px x 2560 px
2014-08-08 17:40:57 [INFO] PngjHelper: Processing row 1 of 5...
2014-08-08 17:40:57 [INFO] PngjHelper: Processing row 2 of 5...
2014-08-08 17:40:57 [INFO] PngjHelper: Processing row 3 of 5...
2014-08-08 17:40:58 [INFO] PngjHelper: Processing row 4 of 5...
2014-08-08 17:40:58 [INFO] PngjHelper: Processing row 5 of 5...
2014-08-08 17:40:58 [INFO] MapSaver: Map saved: C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\PCity.png
2014-08-08 17:40:58 [INFO] MapSaver: Elapsed: 0 min, 1 sec, 210ms